Print Marketing Materials to Grow Your Sales

Print Marketing Materials to Grow Your Sales

Who’s interacting with your customers personally to represent your brand in your absence? It’s the print marketing materials you send out.

If you want to leave a good impression on your customers, make sure the marketing collaterals you send their way are compelling and interactive enough. Apart from that, the paper’s quality is excellent, the font and designs are creative, and everything else is consistent, pleasing, and of high quality.

If you sent a crappy note to your prospects, it’ll take them no more than a second to realize that your offerings would be of the same quality.

print marketing materials grow sales

Hence, if you want to get better returns, consider investing in high-quality print materials to convey your marketing message.

But before you do that, you need to understand what exactly marketing materials are. So, let’s start with its definition itself.

What are Marketing Materials?

Any print material you use to communicate with your customers and market your brand and products is known as marketing material. The different kinds of print marketing materials include postcards, letters, catalogs, brochures, business cards, etc.

Types of Direct Mail Print Marketing Materials Every Business Should Use

The quality of your print marketing material is more or less responsible for the success of your direct mail campaign. That’s why you should opt for the best-in-class print and mail services.

Here’s a list of the different print materials you can use to advertise your products, services, or brand.

1. First Interaction Print Materials

Business Cards

Most people overlook the fact that business cards can have a great impact on your sales. Whenever you, or anyone from your team, meet a potential client, you must hand them something they can use to follow up with you.

If some of your prospective clients appear out of nowhere and they give a feeling that they might need your services, you must have a business card to share with them in such a situation.

Just because you ran out of the cards shouldn’t be a reason to lose a $$$ client. Hence, make sure that you have a regular stock of your most up-to-date business cards printed. So that you and your team always have one available to hand over a potential client.

Letterheads And Envelopes

Custom letterheads and envelopes can add up a totally different type of marketing to your existing direct mail campaign. When you print your letterhead on quality paper with your logo shown at the top in full color, it will impress your customers.

Your letter would seem legitimate, and your prospects would assume it has arrived from a reputed company that pays attention to what they’re sending to their customers. That has a direct impact on the perception of the quality of your products.

So make sure that the material you use for your envelopes and letterheads is excellent.

2. Sales and Marketing Print Materials for Client Meeting

Presentation Folders

When you’re going for a client meeting or leaving a client to decide whether they should take your services, you need to give them some information to base their decision on it. Sometimes you also provide them a few papers summarizing the details of what you have discussed.

However, if you just hand them over a stack of papers, they may lose or misplace those documents. It’s better to be more professional and provide them in the presentation folders.

This way, all of the details you need to understand are held safely. Besides, they can also use these folders to keep their papers. This way, the presentation folders are doubling for your brand awareness.


One of the best ways to showcase your products, services, and brand is in the form of brochures. If you have your potential client’s attention for a few seconds, and if you could use that time to hand them over a brochure of your company, you can convey your marketing message to them in detail.

An ideal brochure contains the images and description of your products and services, your company’s details – as much information your prospects need to make a decision – and a complete road map to reach you.

This form of marketing can help you increase your sales tremendously.


More than often, people love to explore the products you’re selling. The two most common ways they can use it are the internet and catalogs. Since, to get them to your website, you’d need to do a number of things, like work on your SEO, inbound marketing, paid advertisements, etc.

But if you hand them your company catalogs, you can skip all those steps. Plus, by providing the right call to action and making it super simple for them to make a purchase, you can grow your sales multifold.

So, make sure you have all the items listed on the next catalog you print, and it reaches the widest range of your audience.


Technology and customer intelligence are growing at a faster pace in today’s era. Everybody tends to make an informed decision. Especially when you’re selling expensive goods and services, the details matter a lot.

But often, companies find it difficult to express all the details of their products concisely. And describing every detailed feature and benefit to each of your prospective customers is realistically not possible.

So, we advise you to print the full description, benefits, and features of your products on the flyers you distribute. The percentage of people who will read your product description on these tangible forms of materials would be way more than online platforms.

Showcase the Proof

Whenever someone purchases something from a brand, the number one thing they notice and take seriously is the reviews.

People consider how others are reacting after buying this product. Are they happy with the purchase? Is it worth putting their money and time in? Is it durable and lasts long? Or what?

Hence, print and distribute genuine reviews, testimonials, and case studies on your print marketing materials. This way, more prospects would be willing to buy from you. And it’ll have a positive effect on your sales and returns.

3. Sales and Marketing Print Materials to Follow Up After a Meeting

Thank You Cards

It’s always nice to thank someone for taking the time to meet you. And if you could do it in the form of tangible print material, it can leave a long-lasting impression. Plus, it can help spread your brand awareness.

However, even though you’re showing gratitude, your thank you card should never be boring and dull. Try to be as creative and unique as you can.

If there’s an event going to happen, you can also add a note for that upcoming occasion.


Once you have started to build a relationship with your prospects, whether they have bought anything from you yet or not, it’s your duty to keep on reminding them of your brand and company.

Postcards are a surefire way to keep your brand’s name on their top lists.

You can use postcards to greet or wish your prospects on several occasions like festivals, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. You can also convey your short and concise message through them brilliantly.

And the best part is that postcards have the best open rate in the world. After all, there’s no envelope involved.


Nothing can replace newsletters when it comes to informing your prospects and customer about the new product launch or events happening in your company.

However, you may think that newsletters through direct mails are something people use to do in the ’70s. But believe it or not, people love to receive information through the tangible form of letters even now.

It ensures them that you’re reachable, and if they decide to invest in your products or services, it won’t be that difficult to contact you and get help if needed.

direct mail operations

Great Marketing Material for Branding and Sales

Apart from meeting your clients and customers, you would also need to mail advertising materials to showcase your products and services to the people based on their demographic details.

Here’s a list of the print marketing materials that you can use for advertising purposes.

Corporate identity package

The first thing that people talk about when it comes to branding is the corporate packaging material. It includes everything that shows the information a person needs to know about your company.

You can include your company’s magazine, website details, newsletters, business cards, etc., in a corporate identity package.

Direct Mail

When you want your advertising materials to land right in the hands of decision-makers, direct mail pieces are the best option available. You can send anything, including direct mail, a postcard, a letter, a brochure, a catalog, a notice, and so on.

If your printed message is powerful enough, the design is unique and compelling, and your call to action is clear and convincing, you can considerably increase your response rate.

Thereby, with the proper follow-up, you can increase your conversion rate as well.

Press Release

PR can provide you unbiased third-party proof of credibility. To gain this validation for your company, you can print the press release brief on your letterhead.

If you want rock-solid branding for your business, then you must give it a shot. If not regularly, then at least once.

Press Release not only helps spread the word about your company but ensures that your potential clients trust it too.

It helps you reach potential clients and customers you had no idea existed. Hence, it can be a powerful marketing strategy to widen your audience.

Point-of-sale displays

You can also use regular point of sale displays, viz., short books, brochures, and coupons for branding purposes. The first essential part, why it works, is that people opt to get these things of their own will.

Plus, if you’re distributing small but helpful short book, which is 70% about educating your prospects and 30% about showcasing your products and services, it can help you entice prospects to you like a charm and convert them into paying customers at some point.


A unique but really cool way to branding your company is stickers. You can start creating and distributing different stickers for almost anything, like cars, walls, mirrors, refrigerators, restrooms, notebooks, you name it, you’ll get it.

You can display the essential details of branding at the end of the stickers, like your company logo and URL. You can also hand these little things to the children visiting your stores with their parents.


One of the easiest ways to branding is printing and distributing calendars of your company.

Your prospects, customers, and the people visiting them will see your company’s message every day through these calendars. Isn’t that amazing?

You can also add the different benefits you provide to your customers, like added discounts, or showcase toll-free numbers, email addresses, URLs, etc., that they can use to get in touch with you.

The easier and memorable these contact information are, the better your response rate will be.


If you want to get in front of a large audience, sponsor different events, like sports events, new year’s parties, festivals, rock shows, etc. These events are advertised on banners, and your company’s details at the end of it can steal the attention of too many potential clients.

Whenever you’re using any print marketing material, you must use only quality printing supplies. They help in building a good brand’s reputation along with spreading your brand awareness.

Promotional Merchandise

Another great way to popularize your brand is by printing and distributing promotional merchandise. You can get your logo or company’s slogan printed on multiple different small items, viz., t-shirts, coffee mugs, fridge stickers, magnets, and so on.

You can give away the promo merchandise and make quick connections.

However, it’s a must for you to keep the quality of the items you’re distributing high. Whatever you give away gives an idea about the class of the products and services you’re offering.

When people use the giveaways with your company’s logo or contact information, it can considerably spread your brand awareness.


When you customize the invitation with your top customers’ personalized details, it helps you uplift your company’s reputation way too much.

People realize that you care about your customers. You have a good system in place to recognize them. It’s not like they’re just buying from a big company, and the firm has no idea they exist.

Personalized invitations can also help you get repeat business like a charm. And as it’s said, it’s easier to keep the existing customers than to lure strangers into buying from you – meaning, attracting new customers.


The large pieces or print marketing materials that acknowledge people about your brand and your message are a huge plus. You can reach a wide range of audiences through it at once.

It’s especially beneficial if you’re hosting a new event or launching a product, and you need to get as many people to attend the ceremony as you can.

After all, the more people would know about it, the better for your new launch.

Apart from this, a large number of people attending your event can have a great impact on the people coming to visit you for the first time.

Holiday Cards

Along with the other marketing messages, it’d be great to send good wishes to your customers and prospects on special occasions like festivals, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

It makes your potential customers and clients realize that you remembered them on special days. Plus, if you could personalize each of the cards for your customers, it’ll bring even better results.

Such small gestures help you strengthen the bond that you have with your customers, which directly affects their brand loyalty.

Now the next time they’ll go shopping for a similar product your brand is offering, they’ll prefer taking a look at your product first instead of your competition. Trust and bonds go a long way.

Tradeshow Signs

Who doesn’t like to check out the exciting signs in a trade show, right?

If you have invested in a great copywriter and designer, then yes, you can make them interesting too.

To get the attention of your potential customers and clients, make sure to put these signs at the places in action the most.

You can also try leaving these signs one by one in different places, usually one leading your reader to another. The success of this approach more or less depends on your designer.

Start Using Print Materials to Grow Your Business Today

You can draw your prospects to your store, website, or probably your restaurant in no time if you print marketing materials and distribute them at the right place to the right audience.But it’s tricky to get your marketing material printed in high quality within a minimal amount of time.

If you want to skip spending a large amount of time, money, resources, and efforts, so instead of doing it all manually, try an all-in-one automatic tool like PostGrid.

We offer you to select your marketing needs and the time by when you want them all done. Depending on the instructions you set, we get them printed within two business days.

The best part is that you can manage everything merely from your dashboard. It enables you to handle the print marketing approach just like a digital marketing strategy.

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The post Print Marketing Materials to Grow Your Sales appeared first on PostGrid.




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