Healthcare Direct Mail: Best Practices for Medical Mailing Services

Healthcare Direct Mail: How to Get the Best Out of Your Offline Mailing Campaigns

The total healthcare expenditure in the US is more than $4.1 trillion. This figure is expected to rise to $6.2 trillion by the end of 2028. As a result, the US healthcare industry is flourishing and making a significant contribution to the US economy.

disruptive technology in healthcare and disruptors

Hence, not surprisingly, the healthcare direct mail industry is also booming as more people understand the importance of offline mailing.

Today, you can employ medical mailing services and get started with a campaign using solution providers like PostGrid. Such services help you communicate with your existing and prospective patients on a one-to-one level.

Before we get into it, let’s see which types of businesses can benefit from medical direct mail:

  • Nursing homes
  • Healthcare plans
  • Maternity clinics
  • Rehabilitation facilities
  • Home care businesses
  • Urgent care centers
  • Drugstores
  • Testing and diagnostic centers, etc.

If you own or run one of these businesses, you are probably wondering the best way to market your company. Though there are several digital marketing options, direct mail is your best and most effective option.

Healthcare direct mail allows people to take a break from social media and other online channels and connect with your business personally. In addition, it is a tangible and physical reminder that they can always avail themselves of medical services when they need them.

You can communicate about your services with your prospective patients and tell them how to connect with you. Today, patients have plenty of healthcare options, and you can persuade them to choose you by sending mail.

Here, we will discuss the best mail healthcare practices to help you improve your ROI even more.

Why Use Direct Mail For Healthcare Marketing?

Irrespective of what some people say, direct mail is still up and running. Several prominent organizations use healthcare direct mail marketing as their top marketing strategy. 

Direct mail enables them to reach out to administrators, physicians, patients, and other key decision-makers in the industry. Below are the prime reasons why direct mail helps companies improve brand image and drive sales: 

Direct Mail Faces Less Competition

A significant reason why some people think that direct mail is dead is its decreasing volume. But, this part can work in your favor as you can beat your mail healthcare competitors easily. 

Your patients may have overflowing messages in their email inboxes, but they receive only a few mail pieces each week. Thus, they tend to give more attention to medical direct mail and reply to the sender.

Healthcare Direct Mail Offers Tangibility

Direct mail items can be seen and felt by your patients. They can pin them up on their boards or stick them on their refrigerators. Also, many of your recipients might share your mailers with their friends and relatives. 

This way, you can expand your reach and attract more views. 

You Can Integrate Your Offline Marketing Efforts With Digital Channels

Generally, patients engage with a healthcare provider through social media, email, TV advertising, healthcare direct mail, etc. Hence, it is never a wise option to only run one type of campaign all the time.

Try increasing your touchpoints to reach more people and convince them to use your services. For example, imagine a patient responding to your direct mail for healthcare in one go because they already heard your ad on the radio. The more channels you use, the better are your chances of getting higher conversions. 

It Is Possible to Hyper-Personalize Your Medical Direct Mail Items

Personalized communications make people feel appreciated and special. They can influence your target audience’s decision-making process greatly.

Your patients are likely to love mail healthcare mail items with their names on them. Personalization shows that you care enough to customize your messages and offers.

Health Direct Mail Generates Trackable Results

Direct mail generates an ROI of 29%. You can also get such excellent results by conducting highly-segmented marketing campaigns. 

The point is that direct mail results are easily measurable. You can add features like pURLs and QR codes to track your campaign performance. Also, you may ask patients to walk in or book an appointment online. 

Direct Mail Is Data-Driven

Gone are the days when direct mail was generic; now, you can conduct data-driven medical direct mail campaigns that help you reach relevant patients. 

Healthcare institutions can define their audience, understand their patients’ needs, and conduct campaigns offering solutions to them. This way, they can expect better results and increase brand loyalty. 

direct mail operations

10 Best Healthcare Direct Mail Practices

We have already established that direct mail can help you achieve excellent results. But, it can be complicated and hectic to conduct direct mail campaigns. The entire process requires a lot of manual effort, time, and investment from your end. 

If you face similar issues, try using PostGrid’s healthcare mailing services. They can assist you in launching successful campaigns efficiently and affordably. 

Quick read: PostGrid for Healthcare Industry

Below is the topmost direct mail for healthcare practices that you can implement with the help of PostGrid:

Showcase Your Expertise With Helpful Content

One of the best direct mail practices is to offer valuable content that your prospective patients might be interested in. Here are a few ideas that you may use as a reference for your mail healthcare campaigns:

  • Tips to have a healthy lifestyle
  • What to do if you get diabetes?
  • Which exercises help the most in breathing control?
  • Misconceptions about specific conditions
  • Best home remedies for acne and other skin problems
  • Clinical research reports, etc.

These are only a few examples of how you can excite your target audience around topics related to healthcare. Also, try sharing diagnosis and treatment stories that motivate thousands of other patients. 

The key concept is to share your knowledge using healthcare direct mailers with your audience. You can print everything on your mailers or add links to your online blogs. 

Choose Appealing Direct Mail Formats

There are several types of direct secure mail healthcare formats that you can select for your marketing campaigns. You can choose a format that best suits your requirements and complements your messaging.

Remember, many people receive white envelopes regularly, so try using some unique designs and colors to spark interest among them. 

For example, you can mail embossed envelopes or add compelling texts on the outside to convince people to read your letter. 

Healthcare direct mailers do not need to be plain and boring. Also, you can opt for other formats like postcards and flyers. Postcards are concise, personal, and cost-effective; they help you strengthen patient-company relationships. Flyers are also very affordable as compared to letters and can boost results. 

However, sometimes, you may need to send notices, patient billing statements, Explanation of Benefits (EOB), etc. In such cases, you can select engaging templates offered by PostGrid’s medical mailing services to make your letters compelling.

Use Direct Mail For Healthcare Appointment Reminders

Hospitals, dental clinics, testing centers, etc., can send out appointment reminders to their patients from time to time. It ensures that they have a smooth flow of incoming patients and get enough repeat business. 

You don’t need to develop a creative reason to contact your existing patients constantly. However, sending appointment reminders as healthcare direct mail helps you stay connected with your patients and avoid losing them to your competitors. 

Also read: Dental Direct Mail

Stay Updated on Important Dates

Several industries target specific seasons and festivals to reach their audience; healthcare organizations can do the same. 

Use direct mail and healthcare marketing campaigns to contact your prospects right before their Flexible Savings Accounts expires at the end of the year. Usually, the funds in such accounts are supposed to be spent by the year on healthcare plans, medical equipment, etc. 

There’s another time when you can create urgency among people, like the end of annual enrollment periods for health insurance. 

During such phases, patients are actively looking to spend on medical services. Therefore, it is the perfect opportunity for you to talk to your prospects personally and encourage them to choose your brand. Perhaps, healthcare direct mail marketing programs can help you get there!

Help Patients Locate Your Business

Some businesses do not have a Google My Business (GMB) page and leave their customers searching for their addresses. It is one of the quickest ways to lose customers and negatively impact your conversion ratios. Thus, you must consider creating a GMB account and making it easy for customers to locate you. 

As a healthcare provider, you can use medical direct mail to promote your location and other contact details. For example, try adding a Google Maps link on every healthcare direct mailer so that patients can follow the map and reach you easily. 

Conduct Demographics-Centered Campaigns

It is no longer profitable to conduct generic campaigns. Instead, try using healthcare mailing services and targeting patients based on demographics, like age, gender, lifestyle habits, choices, health conditions, etc. 

PostGrid’s direct mail services can help you build targeted mailing lists containing correct, deliverable addresses. 

Employ Direct Mail Healthcare Marketing to Win Patients’ Confidence

Most people are sketchy about seeing a doctor, especially when they suspect there’s something not right with them. There is a subtle fear among patients that prevents them from vocalizing their health problems. But, healthcare organizations can help remove this fear by communicating with patients regularly. 

You can send weekly or monthly mail items to patients normalizing talking about health issues and finding solutions. This way, you can win over their trust and generate high healthcare direct mail response rates

Customize Your Copy and Imagery

90% of the details processed by a human brain are visual. Though direct mail is already eye-catching and impressive, images can further enhance its appeal. Try adding images that resonate with your message and communicate your offer in the best way possible. 

Also, please pay attention to your medical direct mail copy as it can make a massive difference to your results. A compelling headline written in big, bold letters on the top can turn more heads than a simple line written in plain text. 

Divide your message into smaller segments that are easy to read and remember. For example, you may add bullet points, graphs, and illustrations to help readers understand what your healthcare direct mailer is about

You can use PostGrid’s medical mailing services to design, print, and mail your items altogether if you want to skip the legwork. Plus, PostGrid helps you conduct A/B testing that enables you to understand which direct mail variation works best for your business. 

Include Patient Testimonials and Reviews

Did you know that 84% of patients rely on online reviews to select a physician? Hence, it is evident that patient reviews are very crucial in boosting appointment ratios. You can start by asking your existing, long-term patients to leave their feedback on your website. 

Try adding such reviews to your mail healthcare marketing items to increase patient loyalty and trust. Or, you can record videos of your patients and post them online on your social media pages. Then, add a link to these videos in your direct mail for healthcare to combine your offline and online efforts

Send Thank You Postcards

Though there is no after-sales service concept in the healthcare industry, you can try doing that for your patients. Write thank-you healthcare direct mail postcards with a genuine signature and send them to patients after their appointments. It offers a solid personal feel to your communications and leaves long-lasting impressions on patients.

Address Verification Validation API

How PostGrid’s Healthcare Mailing Services Can Help You Level Up Your Offline Marketing Game

PostGrid’s direct mail API has several more features to fuel your campaigns, apart from printing and mailing your marketing items. We have listed some of them below:

HIPAA Compliant Print and Mail

PostGrid’s direct mail healthcare marketing solutions are HIPAA compliant, prioritizing data confidentiality and security. 

You don’t need to worry about breaching any laws while sending medical correspondence in the form of patient bills, lab invoices, Explanation of Coverage (EOC), etc. PostGrid helps you remain compliant and mail without any potential issues. 

Click here to view the complete guide to sending HIPAA-compliant direct mail. 

2-Business Day SLA

Sometimes, you may need to urgently send patient statements, test reports, and other similar medical documents. In such cases, PostGrid can help you out as it helps you draft and print items in only two working days. 

Healthcare Direct Mail Campaign Insights

Launching a campaign requires a tremendous amount of time and effort, making it even more significant to know the results. PostGrid helps you access periodic reports and analytics, which you can use to improve your upcoming mail healthcare campaigns accordingly. 

Print and Mail Fulfillment

Our direct mail services ensure that your items are printed in high-quality and reach their destination on time. All you have to do is integrate our API into your CRM and make a few clicks to launch an effective healthcare direct mail marketing campaign.

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Some of our other benefits include:

  • Per-piece tracking. 
  • Dedicated support. 
  • Hassle-free signup and payments. 
  • Bulk mailing. 
  • Address validation. 
  • Unified API operations, etc. 

If you are interested in improving your ROI by conducting effective medical direct mail programs, request a demo now!

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The post Healthcare Direct Mail: Best Practices for Medical Mailing Services appeared first on PostGrid.




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