Top 15 Hospital Management Software

Top 15 Hospital Management Software You Must Look Into

72% of patients rely on reviews as the first step to finding a healthcare provider. Also, 60.8% avoid doctors that have poor reviews. And we cannot deny that not having comprehensive hospital management software can result in such negative opinions about a provider in no time.

So what can healthcare organizations do about it?

automation in healthcare operations

How do they manage their operations properly and keep their patients happy and satisfied? The answer is simple—employing healthcare management software within the firm. 

It helps healthcare providers with crucial aspects, like:

  • Improving patient experience and satisfaction. 
  • Cutting medical expenses. 
  • Better communication and transparency. 
  • Convenience and flexibility, etc. 

An efficient hospital management platform allows healthcare firms to function more responsibly and align their activities. This article covers the top 15 hospital software solutions to help you understand the features and benefits in-depth and make an informed choice!

Let’s get right to it!

direct mail operations

What Is a Hospital Management Software (HMS) Application?

A hospital software tool helps hospitals with their management, patient care, staffing, financial transactions, and other activities. You name any hospital-related task, and such software applications can help you automate it!

Here is an example:

Imagine you have 100 patients lined up for today, and you have no idea how to give them a visiting time. A hospital software platform can help you look up available appointment slots and allocate patients in seconds—a task that could take hours to complete!

The use of health management software has increased in the past few years to match the patient’s expectations. Today, patients want a better experience and look for the best hospital that may offer it. 

Hospital management systems can help you be the best by automating repetitive, daunting tasks, such as:

  • Tracking patient data. 
  • Scheduling staff meetings. 
  • Recording and handling customer complaints. 
  • Managing finances. 
  • Launching marketing campaigns, etc. 

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Why Must You Use Healthcare Management Software?

Surprisingly, many hospitals don’t realize the primary purposes of using hospital software systems. They believe their staff can handle everything manually without knowing how it can add to their efficiency. 

Thus, below are the top features of a hospital management application to help you understand why using these solutions is the need of the hour:

Online Appointment Booking

Before a patient visits your hospital, they contact you to book an appointment. This stage takes place before their visit, but it is still crucial to their overall experience with your organization. Thus, you must make the appointment booking process as convenient as possible for everyone. 

In a study, 68% of patients stated that they are more likely to select a healthcare provider that enables them to book, modify, or cancel appointments digitally. Using hospital management software helps you offer these services effectively—urging more people to visit your hospital. 

A hospital software program allows you to provide solutions, like 

  • Selecting the appointment date and time.
  • Choosing a specialist by name or specialty.
  • Uploading past medical records in advance, etc. 

You can also send appointment reminders to your patients or send missed-appointment letters to manage acquisition and retention rates. 


Billing is another significant, ongoing hospital activity a healthcare management platform can automate. You can avoid miscommunication between your staff and patients regarding invoice details. After every patient appointment, the system automatically generates an accurate bill based on the consultation and prescribed care plans. Thus, patients don’t need to deal with unexpected or hidden fees that they cannot afford to pay at the moment. 

Here are some statistics that highlight the significance of using hospital management software to handle your billing activities:

  • 22% of Americans say they didn’t seek medical help because of the expenses. 
  • 77% say medical costs are unpredictable. 
  • 65% of patients stated that cost transparency is critical to their healthcare experience with an organization. 

You can set yourself apart from other hospitals by working with a hospital management software application to solve these issues. It helps you create trust among patients by providing clarity and generating accurate bills with an in-depth summary of their availed services. 

Payments Process

Printing a bill copy and handing it to your patient is not enough. And hospital software can help you do much more to improve your operations and grow your business. Healthcare providers must discuss how patients plan to handle medical expenses beforehand and provide them with reasonable solutions. Almost all hospitals offer quick medical insurance checks and loan programs, encouraging patients to continue treatment without trouble. 

Patient Communication

You may have heard the quote from Lee Brown– Communication is the key to success in any business. 

Patient communication is one of the most complicated activities a hospital needs to deal with during its functioning! However, the best hospital software allows you to get the best out of it and improve patient satisfaction. 

A healthcare management software application lets you automate your patient correspondence, from delivering test reports to responding to inquiry emails. For example, PostGrid’s direct mail services help healthcare organizations print and ship crucial medical documents, including

  • Diagnostic reports
  • Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
  • Physical and mental health records
  • Operative reports
  • Patient instruction forms
  • Discharge summary
  • Consent forms
  • Patient care documents
  • Patient statements and bills, etc.

Hospitals can use PostGrid’s healthcare management software or API to print and send such files to patients at their correct mailing addresses. Below, we have mentioned a case study to help you understand our solutions better:

One of our healthcare clients that have been in the industry for 15+ years wanted to upgrade their working model and shift to an automated mailing system. When talking to our account specialists regarding hospital management software, they mentioned wanting to send bulk medical documents to save costs and time. 

Luckily, they were in the right place because PostGrid offers flexible direct mailing services to enable organizations to send on-demand and bulk mail. Moreover, clients can use our professionally-built design templates to create relevant mailers and verify their mailing lists.

Our healthcare management tools focus on patient interactions via direct mail. Thus, our client could keep their patients informed and improve personal connections and trustworthiness. Also, they could track their sent items and monitor everything through their screens, making them more confident about using PostGrid. 

Today, they use our hospital management software to send nearly 7,000 documents to their patients monthly, including various medical reports, invoices, etc. The plus point is that they save tons of resources and money while doing so, letting them improve their ROI!

Patient Data Management

Almost all healthcare management systems software allow smooth data management. These tools let you organize your data in one place for quick reference whenever needed. They also help you create new patient entries, update their data after every visit or transaction, and segregate the records. 

Your team can use hospital software to replace paper-based files with Electronic Health Records (EHR). HMS systems store patient data in cloud servers, keeping it safe from data leakages. Thus, you can manage patient data more securely and responsibly—igniting trust and confidence among your existing patients and prospects.

Staffing and Interdepartmental Correspondence

Another task your healthcare management platform can help you fulfill is hiring qualified team members and training them well. It also allows you to manage your staff members across several departments and align their activities to improve the overall efficiency within your organization.  

A hospital management software program makes it easy for medical professionals to coordinate with other doctors while treating patients. Imagine a physician in your hospital must refer the patient to a specialist working with you. Typically, the admin staff would send the files to the specialist’s office or advise the patients to carry their records with them. Either of these tasks requires additional effort and time. 

Now, a hospital software application helps you transfer files to any team member in seconds. Or you can have a shared database that all physicians can access to look up patient records and medical histories. 

Address Verification Validation API

Benefits of Using HMS Software for Hospitals

The deployment of healthcare management software might take a while at the start, but it is worth it. Also, this small step dictates how well you function internally and treat your patients—crucial aspects for your organization’s success and growth. 

Here, we have enlisted the advantages of using hospital software that further emphasizes why such automated solutions are a necessity today:

Manage Your Finances

The HMS ensures that you record every dollar your institution spends and manage your finances effectively. Hence, it lets you have a consolidated view of your expenses and revenue, helping you formulate and implement efficient cost management strategies. 

The best hospital management software can help you draft budgets and create action plans in minutes. You can make better financial decisions and improve your insurance claims processes. 

PostGrid’s automated healthcare management platform and API allow you to trigger direct mail campaigns—to send claims management letters to insurance companies and recover medical costs. It also lets you access timely reports to help you follow up with patients and insurance agencies effectively, putting you in control of your finances. 

Improve Hospital-Patient Relationships

A hospital software program helps you improve your patient relationships in more ways than one. 

  • It lets you send patient appreciation letters to retain your existing patients. 
  • It also allows you to create, print, and ship marketing mailers to patients, informing them of other services you offer. 
  • HMS systems let you reduce patient waiting times and manage appointments better—increasing patient satisfaction. 
  • Also, they enable doctors to convince patients to follow their care plan. With 40% of Americans neglecting their physician’s recommended treatment or test, it makes sense to use hospital software to improve the patient experience. When patients can book consultations and pay effortlessly, they feel more confident to follow their treatments. 

Maintain HIPAA Compliance

Breaking the HIPAA rules can cost up to $50,000 per violation and cause irreparable damage to your reputation. However, it is hard to maintain HIPAA compliance, primarily when a healthcare provider does not use healthcare management software to manage its operations. 

A hospital management application helps you follow all the regulations and maintain patient data confidentiality. It is the perfect solution to bring in security and assure your patients that their Protected Health Information (PHI) is in the right hands.

Eliminate Errors

Using hospital management software, providers can eliminate manual errors, like:

  • Enter incorrect patient details.
  • Prescribe wrong medicines or treatment plans to a patient.
  • Swap patient files mistakenly and create confusion.
  • Leak crucial and private data due to misplacement of paper-based records, etc.

Medical errors cost the healthcare industry $20 billion each year. It is significant to reduce the scope of such mistakes and automate every activity to monitor it better and increase accuracy. 

Reduce Costs and Boost Productivity

Most hospital management software charges an upfront, one-time payment for their services. So, you don’t need to spend much to employ an HMS system or waste a lot of time setting it up. And you can save hundreds of thousands of dollars by taking advantage of administrative automation. 

Also, hospital software helps you increase productivity within your organization. Your staff can finish their tasks speedily, leaving enough time and resources to work on marketing and other activities.

Print and mail documents online

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15 Best Hospital Management Software For You

Hospitals must consider numerous factors when selecting the best hospital software to handle their functioning. Primary aspects include pricing, data storage, security, features, client support, etc. 

These aspects differ for every HMS, and you can select the one that best suits your requirements. Also, consider how the hospital management software platform integrates with your current workflows before deciding anything. Your HMS system must be easy to set up, and the pricing should justify the features included in your plans.

Below, we discuss the top 15 health management software to help you grasp how HMS works:

#1 PostGrid

PostGrid’s hospital software and API for direct mailing serve all healthcare providers and related organizations to level up their documentation and patient correspondence. Here are some segments we cater to:

  • Healthcare facilities, including clinics, dental offices, diagnostic centers, hospitals, etc. 
  • Medical devices, equipment, and hospital supplies manufacturers
  • Biomedical technology
  • Healthcare financers
  • Nursing homes and rehabilitation centers
  • Ambulatory services
  • Biotechnology
  • Life sciences
  • Medical insurance, medical services, and managed care
  • Pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies
  • Allied health
  • Information management
  • Procurement and supply

PostGrid’s automated solutions help healthcare firms integrate direct mailing into their existing CRMs for quick data import. These integrations allow you to create and autofill crucial documents, like patient statements, bills, reports, etc., making PostGrid the best hospital management software for your organization.

Other features include:

  • Update patient records and filter outdated information: Unlike most hospital management software, PostGrid offers patient address verification solutions. It automatically updates and enhances your databases to remove duplicates and old entries and replace them with correct details. 
  • Prevent medical identity theft: PostGrid helps hospitals verify patients’ identities and store accurate details. It can check several authoritative databases to confirm whether the information is correct and valid, helping them prevent identity theft. 
  • Onboard patients: Hospitals can onboard new patients to their organization using PostGrid’s hospital software for print and mail. It lets them create, print, and mail onboarding letters and other mailers to form genuine relationships and drive retention. 
  • Workflow reporting: Access your sent medical documents via PostGrid’s dashboard to track your patient interactions. PostGrid’s healthcare management software and API solutions help hospitals monitor campaigns remotely and follow up with patients and third parties at the right time. 

Key Highlights:

  • All-in-one pricing with flexible plans to suit the needs of all healthcare providers. 
  • 24 x 7 customer and technical support to help organizations access and use the hospital software conveniently. 
  • HIPAA-compliant mailings.
  • CASS address validation. 
  • Real-time reports. 
  • Free design templates
  • Access to 125+ print partners. 

PostGrid has a vast client base in the US and other countries. Its healthcare management software for print and mail has helped several leading healthcare providers bring their vision to reality. Here is one of the PostGrid client reviews that sum up its services:

“PostGrid API integrations are helpful across all hospital activities, from patient acquisition to electronic bill presentation. We use PostGrid to print at least 5,000 medical files monthly with the utmost security and efficiency. Thus, our staff does not have to deal with hours and days of manual labor to create and ship them manually. And the advanced technological features like metadata tagging, workflow tracking, etc., are the cherry on the cake.”

#2 eHospital Systems

eHospital Systems is a diverse healthcare management software helpful for all medical organizations, from small physician clinics to large hospitals. It allows users to choose from cloud-based, SaaS, and web-based deployment systems according to their preferences and requirements. If unsure, hospitals can avail of the free trial to decide which installation system is apt for their firm. 

The eHospital Systems hospital management software is in-built with a business intelligence system and uses an HL7 interface. It offers the complete HMS suite of services, like payroll management, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Patient Information System (PIS), accounting, inventory, etc. 

Thus, providers can use eHospital Systems to manage doctor consultations, prepare reports, create invoices, and more. Users can access the latest research materials regarding patient education and treatment protocols, making eHospital Systems one of the most informative hospital management software to employ.

eHospital Systems’ hospital software solutions offer providers many modules as upgrades or add-ons, like blood bank management, staff training, etc. They may also use this program to track consultation times and handle pharmacy records.  

Doctors and staff members can access patient records by logging into their accounts from anywhere. Hospitals can keep their credentials private and offer access to limited users to avoid data breaches. eHospital Systems’ hospital software is easy to use, helping new users understand the features in no time.  

Key Highlights:

  • Pricing starts at $199 monthly for unlimited users. Hospitals can avail of the entire package at this rate and renew the hospital software plans according to their convenience. 
  • eHospital Systems enable hospitals to align the work of several branches. Thus, users can work in an integrated way and experience seamless interhospital communication. 
  • This hospital management software also has a secure messaging feature to let healthcare providers interact with their patients via live chats, automated texting, etc. 
  • It helps patients register themselves on the hospital’s portal to schedule or modify appointments. 

#3 SoftClinic 

The SoftClinic healthcare management software aims at helping hospitals, clinics, physicians, etc., stop using paper documents and work with EHR effectively. It helps digitize the storage and access of all patient records, from prescriptions to invoices. 

The best part is that providers can customize this hospital software according to their needs. Thus, SoftClinic offers unique solutions to fit the requirements of all healthcare providers and help them streamline their day-to-day tasks. 

This automation platform has several healthcare modules, like accounting, inventory management, pharmacy, OPD, HR, laboratory, etc. Users can avail themselves of one or all these modules, depending on their needs. Also, they can create more sections to match their current workflows or develop new working mechanisms.

Providers can integrate SoftClinic’s health management systems software with other platforms if they need it. And they can scale the application whenever they need to fit their ever-growing requirements. The pricing depends on the number of users, making it easy to control the software costs. 

Key Highlights:

  • SoftClinic’s overall healthcare management software helps you to optimize your daily operations across many specialties.
  • It allows users to generate prescriptions in regional languages, depending on the patient’s preferences. Hence, SoftClinic helps patients equally by enabling them to avail their treatment details in any language and book appointments flexibly. 
  • Another helpful feature that this hospital software offers is a mobile application access system. Physicians can get patient data on their phones to understand their medical background and treat them accordingly. 
  • Users can integrate SoftClinic’s hospital management software with data reporting and analytics tools. Thus, it is easier to identify patients’ behavioral trends, discrepancies, changes in revenue, etc., and set measures to solve them. Also, you may incorporate this solution into auto-SMS and notification alert systems to interact with patients and remind them of their appointments. 

#4 HIMS HospiLogix

This hospital management software has nearly 40 modules to help healthcare providers streamline and automate their tasks and accomplish economic growth. It offers a vast array of healthcare-related features at different prices. Hospitals can select modules according to their needs and pay accordingly. 

All HIMS HospiLogix products provide different feature sets, like mobile application access, accounting, inventory management, etc. For example, one of its most commonly-used services is HIMS HospiLogix 4C+, including apps for iOS and Android devices. 

HIMS HospiLogix’s hospital software also helps you manage finances, store patient data under HIPAA regulations, change permission settings, etc. With so many features, it allows hospitals to function speedily and accurately, making it the best hospital management software to consider. 

You must also note that HIMS HospiLogix assists hospitals in meeting international health norms. For instance, its application helps radiologists keep up with standards like HL7 and DICOM. Hospitals can rest assured that they don’t need to pay for any violations because this hospital management software is pre-built to secure the provider’s operations. 

The rates start at only $19 per month if you select the basic plan with limited users. Hospitals can customize their programs and add the modules they need instead of choosing the overall package and paying a lot. Pricing can go up to $600 monthly based on the user size and selected products. 

Also, this hospital management application is NABL-compliant, making it helpful for laboratory management. It makes managing your laboratory operations easier and reduces unnecessary expenses by tracking them online and generating reports. 

Key Highlights:

  • HIMS HospiLogix’s hospital software makes ordering medical equipment speedy and seamless. Your staff members can place orders quickly and track real-time delivery reports. 
  • It enables you to manage your ambulance services, from checking availability to scheduling.
  • Also, HIMS HospiLogix offers a nursing management module within this healthcare management platform, allowing you to hire and manage the nursing staff effortlessly. 

#5 MMI Mediface HMS

It is a cloud-based hospital management software platform to allow healthcare providers to store patient details and operate automatedly. MMI Mediface HMS has nine healthcare modules, including basic functionalities like appointment scheduling, billing, etc., and more advanced ones like business intelligence.  

This hospital software is a key player when we discuss data analytics and user reports. It lets you view your performance insights and make the necessary changes in your system. Hospitals can pull out weekly, monthly, or yearly reports with the click of a button and view the completed and pending tasks in a timely order. 

MMI Mediface HMS’s healthcare management software is compatible with ERP, PIS, etc.- and lets you manage hospital equipment, like insulin pumps, pacemakers, etc. This inventory management mechanism enables healthcare providers to order medical devices automatically and function without interruptions. 

The MMI Mediface HMS health care management software offers several features to help your staff speed up operations. For example, it allows members to manage IPD and OPD to increase efficiency and facilitate communication between physicians and patients. It can also redirect all patients to the correct specialty and manage their consultations, helping hospitals offer quick and quality services. 

Key Highlights:

  • This hospital software helps healthcare providers manage insurance claims smoothly. It allows quick eligibility checks and lets your staff offer various payment options to patients to help them avail of your services. 
  • MMI Mediface HMS’s hospital management software also helps you maintain an up-to-date database of visiting doctors with their referral fees. 
  • It provides schedules for every patient regarding surgery dates, follow-up appointments, etc. 
  • The accounting module helps create cash flow statements to track expenses and spot unnecessary bills. It also offers lists of pending payments, rejected claims, etc., to help you resolve the issues and keep your revenue flowing the whole year. 

#6 Medstar HIS

The Medstar HIS healthcare management tools offer comprehensive products for all hospitals, clinics, etc., at varying prices. You can choose modules according to your budget and requirements. And you may register for a free trial if you find it hard to select.  

Like HospiLogix, Medstar HIS is the best hospital management software—and the credit goes to its 50+ premium modules covering almost everything. It has all essential features, including payment automation, data management, invoicing, etc. But Medstar HIS also has many advanced features that are rare to find.  

Hospitals can use this healthcare management software via many installation systems, like web-based apps, Saas, and the cloud. It is compatible with Android, iPad, iPhone, Mac, and Windows desktops, letting you avail yourself of the features on several devices simultaneously. So, if you ever think about whether you can log into your account via phone to view patient data or change a prescription, it is possible!

Medstar HIS’s support system is one of its best features, making it the best hospital software for a healthcare provider. There are webinars and detailed docs to help you understand the program’s working in-depth. Furthermore, users get in-person and online training where they can clear their doubts one-to-one and hop on board. 

Key Highlights:

  • Medstar HIS’s healthcare management software allows quick and easy data sharing among departments and third parties like pharmacies and labs. 
  • Its EMR module helps you to store everything from prescriptions to laboratory results in the online patient portal. 
  • It provides massive storage and cloud backup features, eliminating the risk of losing crucial patient information. 
  • This hospital software assists providers in drafting new policies and informing team members about the changes. 
  • Medstar HIS’s application complies with all data security laws like HIPAA while collecting patient data and maintaining treatment records. 

#7 Aarogya

Aarogya’s hospital management software offers healthcare IT services to all providers. Its primary focus is EHR, patient care, billing, clinical applications, etc. There are multiple products to choose from, including PIS, lab solutions, patient portals, and more!

The pricing for this hospital software starts at $50 monthly for a basic plan and rises to $1,000 for advanced functionalities. Thus, it suits the budget of all healthcare providers and provides them with a reliable solution that can support up to 200 users. Your admin staff, nurses, physicians, visiting practitioners, etc., can log into your account from anywhere in the world and manage your hospital’s operations remotely. However, try to limit users to maintain data privacy and security. 

There is an in-built patient portal to help patients reach out to physicians, modify appointments, update and order prescriptions, etc. Aarogya’s HMS software for hospitals is customizable to meet the hospital’s unique needs and promote operational flexibility. From in-patient management, invoicing, and inventory to diagnosis and uploading test results, Aarogya is the best hospital software for healthcare organizations. 

Key Highlights: 

  • Aarogya helps hospitals adopt telemedicine by allowing them to schedule video calls between patients and doctors over the platform. 
  • It lets you send email notifications, alerts, etc., to patients to remind them to visit you, helping you to increase patient acquisition. 

#8 Medixcel EMR

Medixcel EMR’s hospital software is different from other HMS systems because it is browser-based. Users can log into the web browser using any device and access all the necessary information.

However, clients can decide if they want to deploy the Medixcel EMR hospital management application on the cloud or a LAN (local area network), or both. The primary aspect that sets its hospital management software apart from its competitors is that its motive is to expand its client base. Medixcel EMR’s objectives are to tap into different markets and cover as many vets, administrators, practitioners, members, etc., as possible!

Key Highlights: 

  • The Medixcel EMR healthcare management software offers several helpful features to help hospitals improve productivity and save time. Its single-click medicine selection feature makes writing prescriptions faster and more efficient. 
  • This program’s appointment scheduling screens are customizable, allowing admin staff, physicians, and patients to handle consultations more flexibly. 
  • It has EMR templates to draft charts, layouts, etc., with space for images and other aspects. 
  • Medixcel EMR’s hospital software also captures and stores all patient information, including radiology results and past treatment plans. Thus, patients and doctors can refer to this data while prescribing new care programs or tests. 

#9 eVisit

eVisit, like its name, focuses on eradicating the need to visit a doctor for consultation in person. This hospital management software’s primary purpose is to promote telemedicine and help patients access a hospital’s services easily.

Using this custom hospital software, patients can chat with their specialists or doctors over the platform or schedule a video call for better consultation. It also allows doctors to prescribe digitally and send the e-prescription directly to the patient’s screens. 

Patients may upload this e-prescription to order their medicines online or get them from a pharmacy offline. These telemedicine features enable doctors and patients to save tons of time, primarily those people who don’t have a hospital in their vicinity or are too busy at work to visit. 

Key Highlights:

  • eVisit’s healthcare management platform offers several advanced features related to telemedicine, like allowing patients to upload images. 
  • It also enables users to schedule in-person appointments if an online consultation is not enough to diagnose the patient’s medical conditions. 
  • Hospitals can use eVisit’s hospital software to send email and text reminders to patients about their digital appointments. It makes booking and rescheduling fast and easy, letting more people benefit from the features and be willing to consult a doctor. Also, it decreases no-shows and late appointment cancellations. 

#10 MyNapier

MyNapier is a cloud-based hospital management software with many advanced features to automate everyday tasks and marketing activities. It is well-known for its customizability because it makes the application flexible enough to suit the requirements of all healthcare organizations. 

MyNapier is one of the best hospital management software, enabling doctors to track their patient responses and treatments from the beginning. It allows them to check if someone referred the patient to the hospital or whether it was a marketing-generated lead. Moreover, this hospital software lets physicians view the patient’s medical background on their screens in seconds to diagnose their condition better and provide quality healthcare. 

Users can integrate it into third-party applications to increase functionality and improve efficiency at all levels. It works as a modular structure to help all hospitals select a plan according to their needs and budget. 

Key Highlights:

  • MyNapier also offers telemedicine features to bring doctors and patients closer and increase the hospital’s revenue. It provides video calling and live chatting options, and patients can select their preferred communication mode. 
  • Its hospital management software enables your staff to handle finances and create budget plans to reduce wastage and facilitate quick decision-making. 

#11 Medhost

Medhost offers an efficient hospital management application to manage IT policies within an organization. It helps hospitals boost patient satisfaction by providing emergency and ambulance services. Also, it allows users to increase their revenue by reducing documentation and other medical errors and saving costs. 

Medhost’s hospital software is also helpful for quick payment processing. Patients can pay online when they book an appointment or make the payment later at the hospital. Using Medhost helps hospitals track the activities of all patients in-depth to offer tailored services and improve the overall experience.

The most significant aspects that make Medhost the best hospital management software are there are no-

  • Unnecessary screens
  • Drop-down menus
  • Excessive keystrokes, or 
  • Puzzling dialog boxes

Thus, your staff can start using this application without several training sessions. However, Medhost offers in-person and online training programs to help you get started!

Key Highlights:

  • Its features include in-patient management, claims management, charting, inventory maintenance, and billing.
  • It also has a bed management system to let patients and team members make proper arrangements and avoid chaos.
  • This health management systems software does not offer a free trial, but the pricing plans are affordable. Moreover, the application is easy to use and navigate, making Medhost an excellent choice for several hospitals.

#12 Smartsheet

Smartsheet is another hospital management software to help healthcare services manage their activities digitally and save data on a cloud-based platform. It helps automate tasks- including billing activities, patient management, restocking inventory, etc.

Users can create custom dashboards using Smartsheet’s templates or add new sections according to their preferences. It allows them to work more speedily if they are already used to a specific format they can integrate into Smartsheet.

Smartsheet’s healthcare management software offers

  • EHR
  • Patient care analytics and reports
  • Video conferencing
  • Integrated call scheduling and tracking
  • Mobile app support, etc.

Hence, Smartsheet is apt for hospitals that want to use data analytics to manage patients and curate marketing strategies. It allows organizations to securely collect as much data as possible and make the best of it!

The rates for this health management software having three plans start at $9 monthly and can go up to $32 for the Business plan with more advanced functionalities per user. You may need to contact the company to get pricing for the Enterprise plan. 

Key Highlights: 

  • Smartsheet offers impeccable staffing solutions for hiring doctors, admin staff, nurses, etc. It also lets you schedule interviews, send follow-up emails, and manage your current staff members under one roof. 
  • Its automated hospital management application is best for goal setting, digital asset management, remote access, and real-time notifications. 

#13 Bayanno Hospital Management System

This hospital management platform enables medical organizations to fulfill multi-functional tasks at lightning speeds. The application is compatible with Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and Safari browsers, making it one of the best hospital software if you want to use a web-based program. 

However, you may also deploy Bayanno HMS in other methods according to your needs. It offers nearly a hundred advanced features to help you automate every activity at all levels within your hospital. Thus, all pharmacists, nurses, doctors, dentists, accountants, admins, patients, receptionists, etc., can benefit from using this HMS system. 

Hospitals can incorporate this hospital software into their daily functioning to save tons of time, effort, and money. They can go paperless and store EHR effectively with seamless file editing and transferring capabilities. 

Key Highlights:

  • Bayanno HMS allows hospitals to keep tabs on all blood donors and their contributions to your blood bank. 
  • Users can integrate it with a payroll management system if they want to add staffing functionalities. 
  • This hospital management software can generate diagnostics and operation reports on the spot for every patient and email them. 
  • It also provides an effective bed allotment system, enabling team members to admit patients accordingly. 

#14 Smart Hospital

Smart Hospital’s HMS software for hospitals has eight in-built users and over 25 features to help you automate your management activities smoothly. It enables medical organizations of all sizes to operate more systematically and cost-efficiently. 

Its primary features include live doctor appointments and staff meetings in the Zoom app. The video conferencing feature makes it convenient to connect people and reduces patient waiting times. Also, users can record the meetings using this hospital software to store patient information for further reference. 

Key Highlights:

  • The Smart Hospital healthcare management softwares supports multiple payment gateways and several languages to offer flexibility to patients. 
  • It can generate speedy discharge summaries for IPD patients and send patient care instructions to their email immediately if you want. 
  • Users can integrate the hospital software into Android mobile apps and access all the stored details on their phones. Thus, you don’t need to turn on your computers and log into the software always when you need to access something. The mobile apps have a user-friendly interface and help you get all the information at your fingertips. 
  • You may manage or monitor your monthly and yearly income and spending using Smart Hospital’s healthcare management tools for operational automation. It also lets you draft accurate reports about revenue changes, which are helpful to your accounts department. 

#15 MocDoc

MocDoc is one of the most sophisticated hospital management software for healthcare organizations to manage their tasks online. It is suitable for providers working at all levels to record patient details, maintain HIPAA compliance, and save costs. 

It offers several modules to make appointment booking and doctor consultations convenient for your patients to improve their experience with your hospital. Also, this healthcare management software lets your staff members interact with patients better and send them timely reports, statements, etc., to keep them updated. 

MocDoc HMS software for hospitals and clinics allows you to access authentic, real-time, accurate information regarding your patients, revenue, and more. 

Key Highlights:

  • This hospital software supports several branches under one account to help multi-chain healthcare providers operate in a more synchronized fashion. 
  • It lets you send SMS and email notifications to patients for reminders to collect their reports, follow up with a specialist, etc. 
  • MocDoc’s medical invoicing system helps you generate bills on time and mail monthly payment request reminders. Its claim management process also allows you to manage your incoming revenue by solving claims inquiries immediately and keeping in touch with the insurance companies. 

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Final Thoughts

Choosing a hospital management software can be overwhelming because every service provider has unique features and varying rates. It is advisable to list your requirements and note down your budget before deciding anything. 

Most HMS software for hospitals offers a basic plan with a few features, like data management, documentation, etc. However, there are several add-ons or modules you can select and add to your program. The overall pricing would include the rates of the basic plan and the upgrades. 

Thus, providers select a hospital software application that offers custom products that can suit their requirements. However, it all boils down to picking a program that best matches your expectations and budget in the long run. 

PostGrid’s direct mail API helps hospitals and related healthcare providers print and ship medical mailers automatically. You can integrate it into your healthcare CRMs for seamless communication and better functionality.

For example, imagine you use hospital software that helps you with staffing. PostGrid’s direct mail services can help you send onboarding letters and training pamphlets. Similarly, it lets you mail missed appointment letters to patients or pending payment notifications to insurance companies. 

Click here to understand more about PostGrid’s hospital management software and how it helps you improve your direct mailing activities!

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The post Top 15 Hospital Management Software appeared first on PostGrid.




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